
Archive for May 20th, 2010

I have two cats: Pandora (white fluffball with an absurdly long black tail) and Prometheus (violently orange and covered in stripes).  See Exhibit A, below.

Prometheus: "Is that a food I see on the floor? I like food." Pandora: "Where is the end of my tail? It's so fantastically far away that I've lost track of it!"

Their names, while cutesy, are kind of a mouthful so Oliver and I tend to call them Dora and Meemers.  Dora and Meemers pretty much run the show around here, and they know it.

But we don’t mind… they are pretty darned cute.  They are best buddies:

"We would rather be sleeping, but Tiffany shoved a camera in our faces and set off the flash. Jerk."

They take naps together, they roll around and fight and play all the time, and Meemers likes to groom Dora (Dora bites him in thanks).  Dora comes to rub up on Oliver’s face and purr at him when he gets in bed for the night, and she drools while she does it.  Meemers sleeps on my pillow, curled up in my hair and purring in my ear.  We think they’re super awesome.

But never let it be said that my cats are without quirks.  Dora can be caught making ridiculous faces when her favorite human pets her:

Yoda Cat says "Mrmmm! Found someone, you have!"

And Meemers reeeaaally likes sitting and lying in bags.  Grocery bags, suitcases, backpacks… he doesn’t really care.  As long as it’s got sides and a bottom, he wants to sit in it.

"This is my favorite place evAr!"

These things, however, pale in comparison to the weirdest things about my cats.  My cats just may need psychological intervention.

First, Pandora.  She is The Basket Case.  Quite literally.  My puffy, pretty Princess is obsessed with my laundry basket and I can’t get her to stop hanging out in it!   Look at this!

"I have claimed this. It is mine."

Even when spending time with Meemers, she likes being in The Basket.

"Don't you want to come out of there and play with me?" ..... "Nope." ..... "Aww."

So then I try to reason with her.

Me: “CAT, this is where I put clean clothes when they come out of the dryer until I have time to put them away.  I would appreciate it if you would stop sitting in there leaving white hairs everywhere.”

"Who, me?"

"Not interested in moving, sorry."

Me: “Not even for a few minutes?  I think the jeans are ready to come out of the dryer!  Come on… just let me pick you up…”

"And I will fight you if you try to take me out of here."

Me: “Whoa, whoa, not interested in violence.  I guess I’ll look for another basket.”

"That's right, punk. MY basket."

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